Well, to say InCoWriMo didn't go well this year would be an understatement. The job this year has been stressful, and by the time I can get home, it takes all my energy to finish fatherly duties with my daughter. By the time she's in bed, so am I.
I did get a few letters out, and definitely plan on sending more. The Pope, Dalai Llama, Emperor of Japan, and Mayor of Greenwich, England should all have received their letters from me by now. Here's to hoping that I get a response.
I'm working on replying to the few letters I received over the month of February. Looks like there are a couple of new pen pals to add to the list, and after tomorrow's band contest (what's been keeping me so busy), I should finally have enough time and energy to continue my international writing campaign.
Anyone else get any good letters?