Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Preping for NaNoWriMo

A few students have asked about things that they can do to get ready for November. Remember, you cannot count any words until November 1st, but there are plenty of planning options available.

First off, I'd recommend checking out this page and reading through some of the planning options they suggest: NaNo Prep - Planning vs. Pantsing.

Concerning those of you who are wondering what your word count should be, look at these two places: Word Count Calculator & Setting a Word Count Goal.

Good luck in your planning. We'll start meeting around October 1st to plan out those exciting adventures!

Monday, September 15, 2014

The School Year is Here!

And here come the writers.

I hope that everyone has had a great summer. Now that we have things rolling along here at Hutto Middle School, it is now time to start planning for that eventful month of November. I already have quite a few kids that are signed up for this year's NaNoWriMo. Most are repeat writers, but I am starting to get the 6th graders interested as well. As donations and prizes start to show up, I'm starting to get more and more kids stopping by my windows to check out the goodies.

Thank you to Laura Kellner at Kikkerland Design for the boxes of Leuchtturm pocket notebooks (I had to specifically as how to pronounce the name. Try luke-term). Also thanks to Philip Wang and TWSBI for donating some great pens for the third year in a row! (I'll have pictures of those pens coming soon).

As promised in my earlier email, there were a couple of stories that I wanted to share. I'll relay one of those today and the next soon.

One of my former students (she is in high school now) stopped me one day during summer band and excitedly proclaimed, "I bought a fountain pen this summer!" While on a family trip to Colorado, this student visited an antique store with her mother, and there in the glass case was a fountain pen.

(sorry for the sideways picture)
It is an older style Tuckersharp lever filler, and it was the only thing that she wanted. We've discussed how to water test it for leaks, and how to fill it from a bottle of ink. When I get some time, I'll get over to the high school and walk her through the process, but I am proud to saw that there is a new fountain pen geek in the making. And without the support of all our sponsors over the years, it would not have been possible.

Thank you again for the help over the years. I honestly believe that I would not have been as successful if it had not been for all of you. If you can help out again this year, I -- and the kids -- would appreciate it.
