It's that time again. Time to start planning and thinking about our novels.
Do you know what you will write this year?
This is always my favorite time of the year with my students. I love writing, I love reading, and I love giving away prizes. And there are some great prizes coming in this year. We've got pens and journals from all of the world that I am really excited about. My goal (depending on the number of writers signed up...) is to get a nice journal into every student's hands. Expensive pens will go to active participants (you must have worked on your novel during November...), but there may be additional prizes that I can get into your hands.
Please take some time to look at our sponsors on the right side of the page. Looking for a great Christmas, birthday, or graduation gift? Any of these sponsors would be perfect. If you need recommendations, I'd be more than happy to point you in the right direction.
Just like last year, we will be utilizing Google Classroom during NaNoWriMo. You can sign in to the class at Use your school email address to sign in, and join the NaNoWriMo class with the code 141kgcy.
I am looking forward to writing this year and I hope you are excited too. We start writing November 1st. Get your pens ready!